general concept



Roots of most terrestrial plants form a symbiotic relationship with fugal form, these ubiquitous symbioses are popularly known as Mycorrhizal association or Mycorrhiza. About 90%of land plants show symbiotic arrangements with beneficial performance and have been around for approximately 400 million years.  Introduction Roots of most terrestrial plants form a symbiotic relationship with fungi, this […]

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Lichens are a small group of plants of composite nature, consisting of two dissimilar organisms, an alga-phycobiont (mykos- fungus, bios- life) and a fungus-mycobiont (mykes-fungus, bios-life), living in a symbiotic association. Generally, fungal partners cover mostly portion and developed their own reproductive structures. Algal partner produced food through photosynthesis.  Important characteristics of Lichens Lichens formed

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what is biology?

What is Biology?-History,Branches,Scope

Biology is the natural science, focusing on the study of life and living organisms and also for non-living organisms. It includes the organism’s nature of origin, physiological mechanisms, chemical structure, molecular interaction that causes growth and development next to their adaptation & evolution due to environmental change.  Introduction              It is a combined word made from

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