
p-n junction diode

What is a p-n junction diode? Fabrication techniques, Biasing, vi characteristics, uses

The p-n junction diodes are one of the most used elements in electronic circuits. It is a non-linear, active element. For a definite polarity, it conducts well but becomes non conducting with opposite polarities. This property is quite similar to the property of vacuum diodes. Hence, the p-n junction is called a semiconductor diode. Semiconductor

What is a p-n junction diode? Fabrication techniques, Biasing, vi characteristics, uses Read More »

What are the Differences between a Current and Voltage sources?

Current and Voltage sources or power sources are the most essential elements in the circuit. They supply the necessary power to drive the other components in the circuit. The concept of current and voltage sources are really helpful for analysing the performance of the circuit. Let’s start with some basics- Active and passive elements Active elements: Active

What are the Differences between a Current and Voltage sources? Read More »