
Modern taxonomic relation with morphologyModern taxonomic relation with morphology

Modern taxonomic relation with morphology

The morphological characteristics are very useful to taxonomists for the diagnosis and classification of plants. With the progress of scientific…

3 years ago

Evolution of Angiosperm

  The angiosperms are thought to represent the climax of an extensive evolution and it would appear that the evolution…

4 years ago

What is a Herbarium? preparation, importance, functions and botanical gardens

       A herbarium is a place of the depository of plant specimens in dry conditions. According to H.…

4 years ago

Publication of names and Rejection of names

For a successful publication of name, a scientific name must need an effective and valid publication by which this name…

4 years ago

Development of botanical code, the type method and Author citation

Development of botanical code For several centuries the names of plants appeared as polynomials - which may be difficult to…

4 years ago

What is binomial nomenclature?

It is a naming system in taxonomy, which is composed of two terms. The first term indicates the Generic epithet…

4 years ago

What are the Phrases and Components of Taxonomy?

     Taxonomic advancements today can be conveniently divided into four distinct phases encountered in different parts of the world. This system…

4 years ago

Basic Definition of Taxonomy and Systematics

        Taxonomy is a very important branch of biology which deals with the classification of living organisms.…

4 years ago